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Fluff Dragon Art

With a unique, original style as well as adaptability to a wide variety of needs, Regan of Fluff Dragon Art is very much up to any challenge. 5+ years of experience has taught her that learning, growing, and developing as an artist is never done. She is constantly studying new techniques, honing in her skills, and hungry for a multitude of comic and cartoon styles that might catch her fancy, from Peanuts to Powerpuff Girls and beyond.


Even the simplest of styles require a working knowledge of anatomy, dynamic posing, and a slew of other in-depth techniques and Regan knows this. She is constantly working on bettering her realism as well in an attempt to balance simplicity and accuracy in her work.


Sound like the artist for you?


Go ahead! Shoot her a line!


Regan's #1 priority is her client: YOU!

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